> I totally forgot about this Matilda story!! Matilda was my assistant
> at a job I was recently laid off from. I can't believe I haven't
> told this one yet!
> It was way back last summer. I had a networking event I was
> scheduled to attend. Since it was at about 8 or 9 am and downtown, I
> told my assistant I would go directly there in the morning.
> Arrangements had been made so someone from another center would be
> at my center so Matilda would not be all alone.
> I showed up at the event and found out they had put the wrong date
> on the invite and it was actually the next day. So I proceeded to
> drive from downtown Salt Lake City to Draper to my center.
> As I walked up the stairs and looked through the floor to ceiling
> windows, I could see that no one was at the desk. That is rile #1-
> never leave the desk unattended! I could see back into the office
> behind the front desk and there the two girls were. One sitting in
> the office chair while the other was applying fake eyelashes to
> her...wait, what the..?
> I walk in and laid down the law. The visiting employee was currently
> on probation and I knew that a report of these shenagans would
> definitely put her over the edge. Both jumped into action cleaning
> up the fake eyelashes, dye and glue that was scattered around the
> room. I asked, 'what if a potential client had walked in?!? What if
> the CEO or VP had walked in?!? What kind of a conversation would you
> be having right now?' In the end I was too nice and told them that
> no one would find out about it as long as I never saw anything like
> it again from either of them.
> While I was letting them know this was not acceptable behavior, they
> both were looking at me like I was the crazy one and as if they
> couldn't believe they were getting yelled at! That really just
> killed me! I could not and still can't believe that happened!!
> The real kicker was that after all was said and done, Matilda came
> up to me and asked if they could go to an empty office and finish!!
> After all, I was there now and I could watch the phones for
> them...forget that I have my own responsibilities!! I wanted to be
> nice after yelling at them(I really never yell at people) I asked if
> they were both planning on taking lunches that day. They both were.
> Matilda said something about Needing to run some errands. I
> responded by saying that if they wanted to both use the tome they
> would take for lunch and finish, they could. Matilda was not happy
> about that because of her errands, but once she saw that I was not
> going to budge from that answer, they left to finish. The best was
> when she asked if I wanted to get my eyelashes done. Yeah right!
> Then I would be just as bad as you guys (not that I told her that,
> but I sure thought it!)
> I am absolutely sure that they talked about how horrible I was to
> them about the whole thing. I wish I could have been a fly on the
> wall in that room! My relationship with the other girl was never
> very good and I think it all goes back to their perception of how
> mean I was to them. Little do they know, I saved Matilda from
> getting put on probation and saved the other girl from getting her
> last strike!
> Sent from my iPhone