Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pet Peeves

I just realized that despite having plenty to say, I haven't updated this blog in way too long. So I will do so by commenting on something that has become a pet peeve as of late. It really bugs me when I am in a store shopping, you know, just doing my thing, and a sales person comes up behind me and starts talking to me. It isn't that they started talking to me, but the fact that they are talking to my back.

Maybe I am being rude and obnoxious here, but really, you want me to stop looking at what I am checking out, turn around, and respond to you?

I am one of those shoppers that does my own thing, usually I know what I want, or am just seeing what there is to see and if I need help, I will ask for it. If I am busy looking at something, the last thing I want to do is to turn around and respond. I don't mind a sales person being friendly or trying to help, it annoys me when they talk to my backside and want a response.
Yesterday I was at one of the big box stores getting a few things and I heard what sounded like someone yelling at me from behind saying, "How are you today, miss?" Then a, "HOW ARE YOU MISS?" When I stopped and turned around, she realized she had already greeted me and said, "Ha, ha. Hope you are finding things okay," as she ran off. I thought, if you just would have talked to my face instead of my backside, you would have known you already talked to me today!



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